Evoqua Water Technologies is a leading provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions. The Pittsburgh office hosts pilot research projects in the initial stages of development and serves as a touch-point in the coordination of Evoqua’s global research efforts. Evoqua had long since outgrown and outpaced its old office space, and the search for a new location offered a variety of opportunities and challenges. Having settled on a 17,600 sf hyper flexible space in Lawrenceville, Evoqua was ready to address and ameliorate the issues presented by their previous space and to plan for the future of their laboratory operations and staff. R3A utilized BIM technology and virtual reality to seamlessly bring this project design together in under 3 months to meet the client’s fast-track schedule. This allowed the users to make quick decisions on critical items such as planning the hazardous storage areas and the in-house waste water treatment system. We also worked with them to study forklift maneuverability to allow proper move management of large drums of media throughout the facility.